Artist's Resources∼Artist's Dictionary U
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A woodcutting tool, scoop shaped like the letter "U".
(Japanese, "floating world") 18th century and after, Art
featuring woodblock prints depicting everyday customs and habits, inexpensive
prints that attracted the attention of Europeans and sold well in Europe as
well as Japan.
The inner parallel bone to the radius bone in the forearm, placed slightly behind
the radius.
Ultramarine blue
Pigment; a deep blue, transparent and permanent.
Ultramarine green
Pigment; a pale green, semi-transparent and permanent.
Ultramarine red
Pigment; a pale red, semi-transparent, permanent.
Ultramarine violet
Pigment; a pale violet, semi-transparent and permanent.
Ultramarine yellow
Pigment; a pale yellow, semi-transparent and permanent.
(Latin, "shade or shadow") The darkest part of a shadow on a
curved surface.
Umbrian School
Artists working in Italy in the 15th and 16th centuries, important Artists were
Perugino, Pintoricchio and Raphael.
In carving, to cut back and beneath an exposed edge.
The first paint applied to a picture surface, to be overpainted with other
layers and glazes of paint. Also called "Abbozo".
A transparent undercoat or veil over a white ground.
The underneath or less noticeable part of a color, as the bluish undertones of
alizarin red.
Uninked intaglio.
Blind embossing from an intaglio plate.
Universal perspective
Perspective from different eye levels in the same picture.
Universal quality
In Art, a quality that is not limited or dated, but creates the feeling of
Unprimed canvas
Raw canvas or support that has no primer on it. See Also
and Primer.
Without any
size or filler.
A vase or vase shape.
Utrecht School
An early 17th century Dutch School emulating the style of Caravaggio, the most important
Artists were Baburen, Honthorst and Terbrugghen, influenced Hals and Rembrandt.