Artist's Resources∼Artist's Dictionary S
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Sable/red sable brush
A brush made of kolinsky, which is a semiaquatic Siberian mink; the hairs hold their shape
well and cling together when wet; the brush has good "spring" and comes to a fine point.
Sabeline brush
A dyed ox-hair brush designed to serve as a substitute for sable; useful, relatively
inexpensive, used mainly with watercolor-based paints.
Pigment; a red lake, fugitive and now obsolete.
Society of American Graphic Artists.
(Japanese) An ink painting using the traditional black with color.
A restorative used on oil paintings.
1. Public exhibition of Art in France.
2. A regular, social/philosophical meeting of Artists,
usually in the house of a patron.
Salt aquatint
Aquatint made by sprinkling salt on a hot, already grounded plate to create a
different texture.
A varnish resin, term originally used indiscriminatly for orpiment, realgar,
cinnabar, lead oxide yellow and the red earths.
A fine or rough sand surface product used mainly to sharpen pencils and pastels.
1. A method of laying mosaics.
2. A mold for a casting made with molten metal.
Sand ground
1. An aquatint ground preparation whereby sandpaper is placed face down on a printing plate
which has a resist surface, then both are run through the press to produce a texture in the ground.
2. Sand sprinkled on wet oil or acrylic as a texture.
3. Sandpaper glued to a support for direct painting or pastel rendition.
Sand painting
(American Indian)
1. A picture composed on the ground with colored sands,
usually for a ritual purpose, such as a marrigae or a healing.
2. A fascimile of the same on canvas or panel.
Sandpaper aquatint
See Sand ground.
A reddish crayon long used for drawing and toning; often referred to as a conte
crayon, from the French manufacturer's name.
Sans serif
Having no serifs, as in Gothic font and typeface. See
San sui
(Chinese/Japanese) Mountain and water, meaning a landscape.
Saral paper
Trade name of a transfer paper that produces a grease-free line, easily erased.
Self Addressed Stamped Envelope; enclosed in a mailing to assure the material submitted
will be returned to the sender.
Satin finish
A moderately shiny finish, not as luminous as a gloss finish.
In design, a woodland god with ears, legs and horns of a goat.
1. The dimensions of an Art Work relative to those of the original.
2. To enlarge or reduce (scale-up or scale-down) Art Work or
photographs for reproduction without changing the original proportions.
If you don't know how to do scales and would like to learn, see Ginos'
November 2005' Utilities page,
"How to do scale renderings".
An instrument used to scale photographs and illustrations.
A basic rough or sketch.
1. To check or quickly study something.
2. A computer method of making color
seperations to be used in printing.
See Criblée.
Fiberglass paper.
1. To mark or lightly cut a line, not cutting all the way through.
2. In printing, a term meaning a blank impression on the inside
fold of a signature, made with a blank hard tool, to locate the fold and prevent
surface damage to certain heavy stocks.
A fine abrasive used to wear away a surface.
Scraping down
A technique for oils and acrylics in which a palette knife is drawn across the wet
paint, pressing the paint into the canvas and at the same time softening the hard
edges; on dry paint, a slightly different effect is accomplished.
An ink drawing method using a cardboard sheet that is coated with a clay finish and
covered with drawing ink; special cutting tools are used to scratch in the
drawing, which resembles wood engraving; makes excellent reproductions.
Scratchboard tools
Small knives about the size of pen tips are used as cutting or scratching tools,
some with multiple points for drawing several parallel lines at once, as for
Scratch board foam
A foam-coated board on which a drawing is pressed or scratched, which then can be
used as a printing plate with either oil or water based printing inks.
1. In textile design, a color seperation device; for instance,
in 3 color separations on white; screen #1 is the white and screen #2, 3, and 4
are each the seperate colors.
2. Various textured adhesive backed shading sheets used in design,
usually from Art to be reproduced.
Screen opener
For silk screen, a spray used to open a screen that has dried ink.
Screen printing (hand & machine)
In textile design, hand screen printing is known as silk screen; machine
screen printing is about the same process, but performed mechanically. See also
Silk screen.
A pointed tool for marking wood, metal and other surfaces.
Scribing, or "to scribe"
The laying of two flat materials on top of one another, then cutting through both
pieces at once.
1. In intaglio, a heavy, coarse cloth used to wipe the plate.
2. In the Art of Rug building, scrim is a thin but durable tape-like
cloth that is pourous, used to lay over and press into cellulose glues that are at
the seams of two carpet pieces ready to be bonded together.
An early American folk Art originated by the sailors on long voyages, using the whale's teeth
and bones or walrus tusk to carve trinkets, often with intricate design.
Script brush
A brush with extra long red sable hairs that come to a fine point, used for script
lettering, scroll work in design, and for fine details.
A hollow burin with a "V" shape, used in sculpture.
(Japanese) See
A means of applying paint with a brush in a scrubbing motion.
1. Drawing or blocking in a quick, loose drawing.
2. Roughin up a surface area in a painting,
usually with brush strokes.
3. Dry brushing color over a rough surface, allowing the underneath
color to show through.
Trade name for a product formed like clay and hardens into metal; also can be
applied to a pre-shaped armature, can be carved, filed and sanded, then brushed
to an aluminum patina.
Trade name of a synthetic plastic-like clay, available in white and many other
colors, will not dry until baked.
The Art of making 3-D or relief carving and modeling. See Ginos'
Sculpture page for some
Sculpture in the round
Free-standing sculpture, completed on all sides.
In lithography, the grease on nonimage areas of the stone or plate; a film of ink
printing where it should not print.
To lay a light, semitransparent color on a surface already painted with another
color, to unify or soften the area abd create a textural quality; usually accomplished
with a dry brush or with a rag or finger.
S curve
Design in the shape of an "S".
(Oriental) A stamp on an Art Work of the Artists' given name, a family name, the
name of his home or household, the date of his birth, a poetic phrase, or a pictorial symbol;
also a collector may stamp his seal on the Artwork, sometimes called a
Search lines
(Italian, "dry") A mural painting procedure using colors ground in a binder such as
casein, and applied to dried lime plaster; less permanent than fresco, which is
applied to wet plaster.
Secondary colors
Orange, green, violet, made from mixing the primaries; red, blue and yellow.
Section d'or
(French, "golden mean, golden section") See
Golden mean/golden section.
Semi-abstract Art
Art that depicts a subject in a stylized or partially abstract manner.
In a cartoon, a series of panels that relate to each other, to tell a story or a
series of events.
The small cross lines or embellishments at the termination of the main stems of
Roman letter forms. Example:Serifs are the tips, or points of each of these letters.
Silk screen.
In wood carving, to outline the design with stop cuts prior to removing unwanted
wood. See Stop cut.
Seraut, Georges
(1859-1891) A prominent French neoimpressionist who is considered the founder of pointillism;
a manner of painting with small dots of pure color that are blended optically in
the eyes of the viewer.
(Italian, "smoke") An imperceptible transition of gradual change
in color or value.
Decoration made by scratching through a layer to reveal a different color
underneath; now applied to pottery, was a Renaissance procedure using stucco and
stained glass.
Shading film
Shading sheets just below.
Shading sheets
In commercial Art, transparent acetate sheets with an imprinted pattern or dots,
used by overlaying whenever a tone or texture is desired.
Shaping claw
In stone carving, a chisel with teeth that produce serrated gouges, used in the
early shaping stages of a sculpture.
Sharpening stone
A Carborundum stone used to sharpen cutting and carving tools.
A light cotton canvas used as a painting support.
Shifting planes
Images drawn or painted on several various planes other than what are observable
from a single station point: Cubist Art is often based on shifting planes.
Short ink
Buttery thick ink that does not flow well.
Show cards
Indoor posters for temporary announcements.
Shuan kou
(Chinese, "Double outline") See
Kou le.
Siberian charcoal
Compressed charcoal.
A means of seeing and mentally measuring the relationships of angles, shapes and
spaces, etc. and applying them to a drawing or painting.
1. The Artists' name or intial(s) on the Art Work.
2. In printing and binding, the
grouping of pages according to the folding of the paper as it comes from the press;
usually printing signatures consist of 16 or 32 pages.
Sign cloth
A specially primed cloth used for signs and display Art, available in sizes to
50" by 48 yards.
Pigment; ochre, an obsolete Roman name.
Silhouette paper
A smooth paper, dull black on one side and white on the other, used for making
Silicoil brush washer
A jar containing silicone with a wire coil at the bottom, to facilitate cleaning
oil paint.
Silk screen
(Seriography) A stencil printing process where paint or ink is forched with a
squeegee through a silk, organdy, or other screen onto the paper or textile below,
the area not to be painted previously stopped out.
Silk screen frame
In the silk screen process, a wooden frame that has silk of other material stretched
over it and is hinged for pulling proofs.
Silver leaf
Silver used like gold leaf in medieval paintings, tarnishes easily.
A method od drawing with a silver point on a specially prepared paper, leaving a
delicate gray line that becomes darker with age. See also
Metal point.
Silverpoint tool
A tool that holds a rod of silver used to draw on silverpoint paper.
Silver white
Pigment, synonymous with flake white.
Simultaneous contrast
See Pointillism.
Simultaneous Submissions
Art Work, such as cartoons, submitted to more than one prospective buyer at a time.
Designs of monkeys and apes.
Single stroke brush
See One-stroke brush.
1. The Roman name for red iron oxide.
2. In fresco painting, a red ochre underpainting.
Mythological sea nymphs whose singing lured mariners to destruction on the rocks of
their islands; may appear in Artwork, especially fountain sculpture.
A gelatinous substance used as a glaze or filler on canvas, panels and paper.
See also Rabbitskin glue.
Sketching easel
Easel. There you
will find a complete list of all types of easels.
To twist on an oblique angle; to distort.
Sky brush
Oval wash brush.
1. A large, heavy piece of marble, porcelain, plate glass, wood, etc. for use as a
carving/sculpting medium.
2. A heavy piece of marble or plate glass used for grinding
Slant tiles
On a watercolor palette, color containers that are on a slight slant so the
paint stays within its wells.
Slick stock
Paper with a fine, smooth finish.
Blank sheets of paper used to seperate paper, tissue, photos, gold & other metal leaves,
Slipsheet mounting method
Used when mounting paper, tissue, photos, etc. Use rubber cement on both papers to be mounted
together. Let dry. Place a tracing paper over the base paper, leaving about 1" ov the
cement visible at the top. Mount the top paper on the 1" of rubber cement, lining up all
of the corners. Then slip the tracing paper out from the botto. Press the top paper down,
working out any air bubbles.
A long, jacket-like covering worn to protect an Artists' clothing when working.
In etching, the use of a candle to darken or smoke a hard ground on a plate.
Snake slip
An abrasive in stick form used to clean scraper marks off litho plates around the margins.
Soaking the paper
In watercolor, placing the paper in a tray or tub of water for a period of time as
a preliminary step for the stretching or as a wash-off procedure.
In sculpture, a soft, easy to carve stone, available in a few different colors.
Socialist realism
A 20th century movement in painting dealing directly with social, political and
economic issues, some 19th century painters, such as Daumier and Courbet, were
forerunners of the movement.
Soft ground
An etching ground that is part tallow, is tacky and greasy.
Soft-ground etching
An etching technique using soft ground, producing a soft quality to the lines similar
to a crayon effect; when a paper or textile is laid on the plate and a pencil or stylus
is used to copy the design, various effects can be acheived by the ground adhering to
the paper under the strokes and by the impression of the paper or textile on the ground.
A fusible alloy, such as tin and lead, used to join metal pieces together.
Solomon's seal
Two equivalent triangles overlapping; indicating the union of the body and soul;
the star of David.
A substance capable of dissolving another substance, as benzine, kerosene, turpentine,
alcohol, etc.
Sotto in su
(Italian, "from below upwards") A realistic painting style of illustration used on
ceilings of churches and public buildings, also called
"Frog perspective".
A painting technique in which a finger, brush or comb is used with a stiff brush
(toothbrush) that has pigment on it, creating an uneven spotted pattern when tweaked.
May also be acheived with an airbrush.
1. A band of colors, as seen in a rainbow or through a prism.
2. A broad range of colors.
Speedball pen
Trade name of a penholder and many different sized nibs, used for hand lettering
and for drawing.
Speed lines
Action lines.
From ancient Egypt, a stone image of a reclining lion with a human head.
Spire gothic
Gothic type.
Spit bite
Saliva applied to a plate to define an area and keep the acid from running.
Elliptic graver.
The opening or spreading outward of a brush.
Spot design
A design used as a single motif.
A portable studio light used to light models, still life, etc. designed to
concentrate a spot of light in a small area.
Spray gun
1. A layout design that covers an entire page.
2. A two page spread that encompasses two facing
Spring clamp
A device used to grip paper to a board or other surface, also called a
In woodcarving, the softer wood layers in the tree ring pattern; the growth during the
spring season.
In silk screening, the tool used to force the ink or paint through the screen;
usually consists of a rubber blade mounted in a wooden or plastic handle,
similar to that used to wash windows.
(same size) In printing, a mark for the printer indicating the reproduction is to be
the same size as the original.
Sculpture that is stationary, does not move like a mobile.
Ingredient in Artist's pigments to make them easy to brush and keep the oil from
Stand oil
Linseed oil.
Said of certain Art Work, meaning fixed, conservative, without aesthetic energy.
Station point
In perspective, the point of the Artists' eye at which sight lines begin in
relation to the picture plane; the point at which the Artist views the scene in
creating the picture.
Steel brush
A flexible brush (pen) used for lettering, made of steel.
Steel facing
In printing, an added steel layer deposited on the surface of a copper plate,
allowing a greater number of prints to be pulled from the plate.
An upright pillar or slab of stone with a design and/or inscription.
Any material that is cut out to mask certain areas and allow a coloring medium to
be applied to the open areas.
Stencil brush
A round brush with short, square-cut bristles that is used for stencil work.
Stencil paper
A heavy, often oiled, paper that will withstand rough treament and can easily be cut with
a clean edge.
Stencil printing
Making copies of a design from a stencil by silk screen or other stencil.
A metal printing plate cast from a papier mache matrix or mat that has been made from a page
of metal type or font.
(Latin, "let it stand") A proofreaders mark meaning
"do not change as marked", used on corrected work that has been
In animated cartoons, a single cartoon as opposed to a series of cartoons making action;
also, a "still" photo from a movie film.
Still life
Inanimate objects such as flowers and fruis, arranged as a model for a composition to be painted,
photographed, etc.; also the finished work is called a still life.
A texture made up of tiny dots; to fleck or speckle an area of a painting usually
with a contrasting color.
Stipple engraving
Using fine dots as part of an engraving.
The paper used for a printing, specified by the Production manager or Art director.
In woodcarving, a vertical cut into a surface to outline and to prevent accidental
splitting while removing excess wood.
St. Plate
A light-sensitive plate used in photolithography and photointaglio printing.
Strathmore Aquarius
Fiberglass paper.
Stretched Canvas
Canvas that is fastened to stretcher strips and ready to prepare for a painting.
Stretcher pliers
A pincher-type tool with gripping jaws used to tighten and stretch canvas when
fixing it to the stretcher strips.
Stretcher strips
The strips on which the canvas is stretched; commonly made of wood and available in
a variety of lengths; the inter-changeable slotted ends make for easy assembly.
(French, "groove") In textile design, fabric that has a fine, irregular streak or stripe
made by a slight variance in color of the warp.
In chip carving, to make stop cuts.
A piece of Art Work, film, font, or the like, which has been removed from one
surface and taped into place on another; usually relates to the plate-making
process in printing.
Strip frame
A narrow border frame made of strips of wood or metal attached to the edge of the canvas
stretchers or another support; quick and inexpensive, available in a variety of sizes.
Striping tool
A tool that draws straight or curved lines in any color, has a glass fountain for
poster paint, Japan colors, lacquer, etc.
Pulled or printed, said of an edition of prints.
Student grade
Grade of Artist's colors and other materials, not of the finest quality, but
serviceable for most purposes.
A room or building in which the Artist works and keeps his equipment. See also
Studio easel
There you will find a complete listing and description of all types of easels.
A cigar shaped roll of heavy paper with a point on each end, used to refine pencil, charcoal,
and pastel drawings.
To modify natural forms and make a representation in a preset style or manner.
1. A pointed instrument used to work on scratchboard and other
coated surfaces.
2. A tool for engraving.
Originating within the Artist, rather than a reporting of what is seen.
Subordinate element
Anything of lesser importance than the primary element in an Art Work.
Subtractive color mixing
Mixing colors in paint in such a way as to reduce the total light rays reflected. See
Complementary colors.
Sugar bite
Lift-gound etching.
Sugar paper
A British term referring to a plain wrapping paper sometimes used for drawing.
(Japanese) A traditional ink painting on silk or paper.
A group of original prints, usually related in subject matter, often used in
portfolio form, with a
Sulphur tint
In intaglio, made by oil spread on a plate and sulphur dusted over it, creating
a lightly bitten or washed-tone effect.
Japanese brush painting with ink and/or watercolors.
(Japanese, "black ink picture") A black ink picture.
Sumi ink
A mixture of carbon and glue pressed onto a block; pieces ground off are mixed with a little
water to make "ink".
In wood carving, the hard wooded layers in the tree ring pattern; growth during
summer and dry seasons.
Sunday Painter
A term applied to an amateur Artist who pursues painting for pleasure.
A machine process that produces a glossy surface on paper.
Super realism
Magic realism,
1. The foundation upon which a painting is made, such as "canvas, panel,
metal, wood, etc."
2. The "Backing" on which paper is mounted.
A Russian movement, founded by Kazimir Malevich about 1913, that was derived from
Cubism, encompassed nonobjective, geometric forms, using simple color combinations
such as white on white or vriations of black and white; had much effect on the
following generation of Artists.
Surface paper
A frisk used for corrections on pen and ink and technical drawings; a scapel is
used to scrape away unwanted areas, then the paper laid onto it and rolled or daubed.
Surface printing
A type of printmaking in which the ink or color isapplied directly to the plate,
then the paper laid upon it and rolled or daubed.
Surface rolled
A plate inked on the surface rather than in the grooves or cut-out areas.
Sur le motif
A term that refers to working in front of the subject, indoors and outdoors.
A combination of the line and halftone from two seperate negatives, merged to
produce one printing plate.
A movement in Art that purports to be a way of life as well as a style, seeks to
broaden reality by dealing with the subconcious, the result often taking on the form
of fantasy, dreams, symbols or the grotesque. Prominent Artists include
Miro, Ernst,
and Salvador Dali.
(Japanese) An ink grinding stone used to grind pieces from a sumi ink block to
make sumi ink.
Sweat box
In animated cartooning, the projection room.
Swipe file
Clip file.
The Art of depicting a hidden meaning, using symbols.
Symbolist painting
An attitude more than an Art movement, around 1890, when Artists such as Redon,
Moreau and others promoted the idea of using symbolic, enigmatic dream fantasies
to represent the emotions, such as love, hate, fear, etc.
Formal in balance, with elements of equal or near-equal weight on either side of a
real or implied center fulcrum.
(Greek, "together") A group of German Artists formed in 1964 to reveal Art beyond
hard-edge painting or action painting; Artists involved were Bernd Berner and Rolf-
Gunter Dienst.